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Wonderful news: the Onondaga Nation is receiving 1,000 acres of their nation back! Please support as you are able to:
Onondaga Nation territory is home to people who live according to their original instructions among the woods, waters, and hills of their ancestors. The Onondaga care for the land as a sovereign nation independent of the United States — including maintaining all the...
Non-traditional Jewish School Meets Twice a Month in White Plains
Hi everyone!I wanted to let you know about a non traditional Jewish education program that many of our children attend. The families and educators involved in the program would like to reach as wide of an audience as possible in order to let as many people as they can...
Legislative Support for Caring Majority — Deadline Today!
Dear Justice and Peace Community, Please take the simple and powerful action of signing as letter to support working people in New York State. With the NYS legislative season approaching and with wages and working conditions for home care workers under threat, NY...
Calabash TA Academy Deadline Extension
APPLICATION DEADLINE THIS FRIDAY. Visit to learn more: The Calabash Network is calling for applications for the inaugural Calabash TA Academy, a pilot 12-week accelerated training program cohort designed to orient & prepare a network of...
September 2024 Solidarity Newsletter
If you missed it in your email, here is our Solidarity Newsletter this month: WESPAC Solidarity Newsletter September 2024
Membership Appeal 2024
Hello WESPACers! As we enter September, it is time for our annual Membership Appeal. You can find a digital copy of the appeal letter here. In our 50th year, we particularly reflect in gratitude on the support of this wonderful community. Thank you in advance for your...
TOMORROW: Volunteers needed in Mount Vernon Garden
H2OO New Youth Cohort Application
Heirs To Our Ocean (H2OO) is recruiting youth aged 16–25 for the 5th Cohort of the U.S. Youth Action Council for the UN Ocean Decade (U.S. YAC UNOD). H2OO is an official UN Ocean Decade partner, and this Council is endorsed as a Decade Action in collaboration with the...
WESPAC August 2024 Solidarity Newsletter
If you missed it in your inbox, here is this month's newsletter: WESPAC August 2024 Solidarity Newsletter!