The Benefits and Challenges of Running a Food Cooperative

The Benefits and Challenges of Running a Food Cooperative  Tuesday, April 14th at 7pm via Zoom Fran Sanhueza, former General Manager of the Bushwick Food Cooperative, will talk about the challenges of running a small cooperative business in New York City. Bushwick is...

Resources available in response to pandemic

Hello all, I have been receiving lots of alerts from Westchester County Department of Health, Westchester County Government, electeds, nonprofit leaders and more about resources available to our community at this very intense time.   I have pinned a post to the top of...

The Westchester County Airport Master Plan Supplement

The Westchester County Airport Master Plan Supplement Meet the Planners Make Your Voice Heard Participate in Interactive Exhibits Learn what’s on the Horizon for the Airport Be Part of Westchester County Future Thursday, March 19th 4pm – 7pm Location: Westchester...

From NY Housing Conference

NYHC Co-Chairs NHC Rental Working Group From Rachel Fee:   I am excited to announce that I am co-chairing the National Housing Conference’s Rental Housing Working Group with Buzz Roberts, President & CEO of the National Association for Affordable Housing...