Westchester-Rockland Roundtable on Fair Pay for Home Care

Dear all, I’d like to invite you to the Westchester-Rockland Fair Pay for Home Care Roundtable on Thursday, October, 14 2021 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m on ZOOM. Click here to RSVP!   At this roundtable, legislators and community members will discuss the urgency of making home care jobs living wage, family-sustaining jobs by […]

Public Banking Around the World

Please join us on October 20, 2021 at 11 a.m. ET for an exciting convening, “Public Banking Around the World: Lessons for New York.” Click here to register for this virtual event. New Economy Project recently teamed up with The Vance Center for International Justice to survey seven public banks on four continents, and we can’t wait to share […]

The Alarming Rise of Lawfare to Suppress Civil Society – the Case of Palestine and Israel

 Register Here Description: Please note that WESPAC Board Chair Howard Horowitz will be part of this important conversation: On Thursday November 18, at 10 am eastern, join us for a presentation of C&SN’s recent report: The Alarming Rise of Lawfare to Suppress Civil Society – the Case of Palestine and Israel. A briefing on the report and […]

10th Annual Vigil in Honor of the Memory of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.

Please join us on Friday, November 19th at 7pm in front of the White Plains Department of Public Safety as we gather for the 10th Anniversary of the White Plains Police Department killing of Mr. Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.  Flyer pasted below and also attached as a pdf.  Please feel free to share this information widely, […]

Solidarity Economy in Westchester

All are welcome!  Register for the Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsdeCsqjktG9I9-sFDLwmj9pPI69UA6E-a