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Rally in Honor of International Women’s Day
March 8 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Hi Nada,
It’s once again time to get together the activist community to stand up to the fascist coup and hope you can join us.
I know how busy you are these days and want to make sure you know about the Unite and Resist Rally with CFOW and Women’s March in Hastings on Saturday, in case you had not seen the announcements.
Concerned Families is hosting at Hastings VFW Plaza on Saturday, March 8, 12-1:30
We have a good amount of people signed up online already
If you have any time to join, maybe say a few words that would be great. The theme is feminists resist fascism.
Hope to see you Sat and for sure will see you at the UNA event on Sunday.
Peace and Love,