Oct. 2 Buses to Washington, DC

A big thank you to Andrew Courtney who did some investigation to find these buses.  The bus coordinator would like WESPAC to give her names of the WESPAC folks early next week.  NYSUT members have the first priority in reserving seats, but there should be...

FBI Raids on Peace Activists

This morning 9/24 the FBI began carrying out raids on the homes of antiwar activists in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Chicago and Mich. alleging connections with terrorist organizations, mentioning in the warrant the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the...

Racial Justice in Peekskill

Dear Mayor Foster, Council members and City leaders, Thank you for listening and asking questions last night.  We have a long way to go but it was an important step in the process.  Councilman Schuder noted last night that you can’t start at Step...