WESPAC Summer Lunch gatherings

know each other or reconnect with each other as the case may be.  On Monday, July 11th, around 10 of us are meeting in Yorktown Heights.  Call the office if you would like us to set up a lunch gathering in your local area: 914.449.6514?

Silent Auction items at Awards Dinner

We will have over 12 pieces of art for auction at the WESPAC dinner, including these four pieces viewed here in the photographs.Jeanne Shaw has donated three original pieces of art that she has created herself:1.  Ceramic piece candle and incense burner...

Globalization: Suicide Capitalism

Globalization: Suicide Capitalism William Pfaff Truthdig March 24, 2009 The globalization of the international economy launched by the United States as an accidental policy of the Clinton administration has since been much lauded as benefiting (some of) the poor of...