Support the US Postal Service!

There will be a pop-up demonstration at the Ardsley Post Office this Saturday at 11:AM called “Save the Post Office.” Please attend if you can and forward this to your friends and neighbors. The link to sign up is...

The Right to Narrate

In this moment of global fascism and a racial justice uprising in the US, the majority of Congress is working to increase US-funding of Israeli state violence (S. 3176) and ignoring the McCarthyist tactics to which advocates for Palestinian rights and freedom have...

Annual Commemoration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Veterans for Peace-Chapter 34 (NYC), Granny Peace Brigade, Hibakusha Stories/Youth Arts New York, NYC Metro Raging Grannies, NYC War Resisters League, Pax Christi Metro New York, Peace Action Fund of New York State, The Ribbon International, Green Party of New York...

Invitation: Join our #FreeThemAll caravan on May 27th 

Invitation: Join our #FreeThemAll caravan on May 27th   Important message from Jennifer Hernandez, Lead Organizer with Make the Road New York:   Dear WESPAC Partners,   The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting immigrant, Black, and Brown communities hard, especially in...