10th Annual Vigil in Honor of the Memory of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.

Please join us on Friday, November 19th at 7pm in front of the White Plains Department of Public Safety as we gather for the 10th Anniversary of the White Plains Police Department killing of Mr. Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.  Flyer pasted below and also attached as a pdf.  Please feel free to share this information widely, […]

Solidarity Economy in Westchester

All are welcome!  Register for the Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsdeCsqjktG9I9-sFDLwmj9pPI69UA6E-a 

Westchester Town Hall on Eviction Prevention

Dear Friend, There are 5.5 million tenants across NYS who are unregulated and have no eviction protection. More than 74,500 eviction cases have been filed post-pandemic. Westchester is second only to the NY Boroughs in numbers of evictions filed. We desperately need basic statewide tenant protections. Join us to tell state representatives and/or their aides […]

Virtual Parole Justice Lobby Day

On the heels of a difficult year, when we learned that a person dies in NY prisons every three days — and when we came so close to passing the Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole bills to help end this crisis – we need our biggest showing yet. Can you help bring our […]

Not Home for the Holidays

As we gather with friends and family at this holiday time, let us remember those who are unable to gather with family.  Please note that this is a ticketed event to support the good work of Transforming Lives.  No one turned away for lack of funds: Please share widely Not Home for the Holidays and here is […]

The Story of Plastic

The Beacon Sloop Club is hosting and is open to all. First watch the film - anytime between now and Thursday at 7, then tune in for the discussion.     Registration is open to screen this documentary immediately at your leisure. Access for screening is immediate upon registering. Instructions: Eventbrite will send you an […]

Global Write for Rights

Dear Concerned Community Members, (Please share this widely and with your groups)   Amnesty International USA Mid-Hudson is hosting our annual virtual Zoom Global Write for Rights letter-writing event on Zoom Sunday, January 23rd from 2:00-3:30 pm.    This year we will be writing letters on behalf of 10 human rights defenders. Cases include US citizen Ciham Ali of Eritrea arrested and missing […]

Ten Myths About Affordable Housing

Dear NPW Community: Please join us on January 26th in the first of NPW's Affordable Housing Education Series as Rich Nightingale reviews the 10 Myths About Affordable Housing and Allison Lake offers a brief review of NPW's Affordable Housing Study and the Impact on the Nonprofit Workforce. Please Save the Date for the next two […]