What You Should Know About 5G and Radio Frequency (RF) Wireless Radiation

What You Should Know About 5G and Radio Frequency (RF) Wireless Radiation   Tuesday, June 16, 2020 12 noon - 1 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84520175737   Speakers: Patti Wood, Author, Founder and Executive Director, Grassroots Environmental Education, Visiting Scholar, Adelphi University.   Doug Wood, Associate Director, Grassroots Environmental Education, Founder of Americans For Responsible Technology, documentary filmmaker. […]

Say Their Names March and Rally

Pastor Trollinger and his colleagues are organizing a march and rally this Sunday, Father's Day, June 21st at 1pm at 32 West Post Road in White Plains to "Say Their Names" - details below.   WCPR members are making placards with the names of Westchester residents who have been victims of police violence.   WESPAC will […]

Annual Commemoration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Veterans for Peace-Chapter 34 (NYC), Granny Peace Brigade, Hibakusha Stories/Youth Arts New York, NYC Metro Raging Grannies, NYC War Resisters League, Pax Christi Metro New York, Peace Action Fund of New York State, The Ribbon International, Green Party of New York County, and Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World present: Peace Gathering to Commemorate 75th […]

Youth Rally

Please attend, bring your young ones (kids and young adults) and spread the word throughout your organization and networks (pic and pdf attached)!  We're hosting a Youth Rally this Tuesday, August 11th in Greenburgh at Yosemite Park, 40 Yosemite Ave., White Plains, NY 10607. The new president of our Mount Vernon Chapter, Ke-Myra McCann will serve as the MC […]

Get Out the Boat!

Get Out The Boat! How White Plains NY can Become a Leader  in the Fossil Free Movement— By Rediscovering Its Forgotten Native American History An On-line Multi-media Lecture and Discussion with author Evan Pritchard Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 noon to 1:15pm via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82686634918 White Plains, formerly known as Quarropus, was once well known as a […]

The Right to Narrate

In this moment of global fascism and a racial justice uprising in the US, the majority of Congress is working to increase US-funding of Israeli state violence (S. 3176) and ignoring the McCarthyist tactics to which advocates for Palestinian rights and freedom have long been subjected. Organizers demanding an end to funding injustice must faces […]

Rally for a Fund for Excluded Workers!

WESPAC is co-sponsoring this important rally Friday morning at 9:30 am by the Dr. MLK statue at 111 Dr. MLK Blvd in White Plains to urge our electeds to create a fund for excluded workers during this pandemic. Please consider joining us.  Details here (please click on this link:) West Labor Alliance

Support the US Postal Service!

There will be a pop-up demonstration at the Ardsley Post Office this Saturday at 11:AM called “Save the Post Office.” Please attend if you can and forward this to your friends and neighbors. The link to sign up is https://act.moveon.org/event/save-the-post-office-attend/search/ and some basic info. is: What are these events about? On Saturday, August 22, 2020, […]