It is more important than ever that we pack the Board of Legislators’ Chamber to show our wide support for the Immigrant Protection Act and let legislators know we are holding each and every one of them accountable for their vote on this Act. JOIN US!!
Bring small signs in support of the Immigrant Protection Act. Large signs, bull horns, or signs on sticks/posts ate not allowed inside the chamber.
Despite his self-proclaimed commitment to protecting all Westchester residents, County Executive Astorino’s Executive Order is a thinly veiled attempt to capitalize on current public opinion to protect immigrants while accomplishing nothing new to protect immigrant communities. This Executive Order shows no understanding for the current risks and realities facing the immigrant community. He effectively offers his full collaboration and county resources to the Trump Administration’s ruthless and racist deportation force at the expense of Westchester residents and public safety. Fortunately, the County Legislature has an opportunity to stand on the right side of history by overriding his veto next week and passing permanent legislation. Until then, we will continue to work in coalition to protect the rights and dignity of all people in New York.”
Charlotte Gossett Navarro
Senior Manager of Member Engagement
Advocacy Department
The New York Immigration Coalition
131 West 33rd Street, Suite 610
New York, NY 10001
(212) 627-2227 ext. 230