Thank you to everyone who participated in the powerful Jan 21 #HALTsolitary Advocacy Day! Over 100 people from across New York State held a series of powerful actions and met with dozens of legislators. Two immediate results to share: Senators Kennedy and Brouk have signed on as HALT co-sponsors! And many others have committed. Great work everyone! Hope you will join us as we keep up the pressure on New York policy-makers.
From RAPP Campaign: Please join the People’s Campaign for Parole Justice Virtual Advocacy Day this Wednesday. Please RSVP today. Virtually gather with us throughout the day for community meetings, visits with legislators, a press conference and more. Those who have RSVPed will receive a link for a training for the advocacy day happening TONIGHT at 6 pm. If you would like to learn more about the Elder Parole Bill, Fair & Timely Parole Act, and the legislative meetings you will have during the advocacy day, RSVP now so you can attend the training.
Please join us on Thursday, Feb. 4 for a Mental Health for HALT Virtual Advocacy Day and join us on Thursday, Feb. 11 for an Interfaith Day for HALT. Please sign up for either or both days here: And please spread this flyer far and wide to encourage others to sign up.