Dealing with the Challenges of Incarceration
Prison Preparedness
Knowing about prison culture will help you or your loved one stay
healthy and safe in prison. Learn about the Racial Rules Rosetta
Stone, the importance of respect and nuanced communication, and the
complicated politics of prison cultures. Also find out what families
need to know when a loved one—especially the parent of young
children—is headed to prison.
Coping with Reentry
Prison is difficult enough, but the journey doesn’t end after your
release. When you reenter society, you’ll be faced with
discriminatory laws and attitudes. Learn to sort through your
experiences, regain and maintain your self-respect, and recognize
when you need help. Also find out how the use of prison themes in
modern entertainment has affected society’s attitudes toward
prisoners and ex-cons.
Shame – A powerful, pernicious prison weapon
How and why penal systems use shame, humiliation,
disgrace and disrepute to control inmates’ conduct. Resilience, the
antidote to prison administrative shaming tactics.
Mark is the brother of Bobbi Siegelbaum and is looking forward to sharing his experience with the WESPAC Community.
This event is free and open to the public.