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Board of Legislators Public Hearing on Phasing Out Heating Fuel Oil #4 and #6

June 20, 2016 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


What: Westchester County Board of Legislators Public Hearing on June 20, 2016 at 7:30 pm regarding legislation to phase out #4 and #6 heating fuel oil. 
Where: Westchester County Board of Legislators Chambers, 8th floor, 148 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY

When: Arrive at 6 pm to sign up for a speaking slot. Comments limited to 3 minutes
Please make every effort to attend and speak to tell the Westchester Board of Legislators that you support this important legislation to phase out #4 and #6 fuel oil AND strongly urge them NOT to promote conversion of oil burners to gas boilers that substitute one dirty fuel for another. 
The Board of Legislators must educate Westchester residents and landlords about ALL options when phasing out these dirty fuels. In addition to conservation and efficiency, technology is advancing daily (electric heat pumps, renewable energy); therefore, it is unwise for buildings to purchase expensive new gas boilers that lock them in to many more years of burning fossil fuels. Fracked gas is not a “bridge” fuel and should not be promoted.
In response to the legislation, building landlords will be making very important decisions which will impact public health, the environment and our climate for many years to come. 
While phase out of no. 4 and no. 6 heating fuel oil is an important step, it is critical that it does not unleash unwise conversions to gas for heating and hot water which simply swap out one heavily polluting and climate changing fossil fuel for another and locks us into a fossil fuel future for many decades to come at a time when climate scientists are urgently warning that our climate emergency demands rapid transition to renewable energy, intensification of energy efficiency and conservation measures and leaving fossil fuels in the ground. “Natural” gas is methane, a greenhouse gas that is 86X more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20 year time period. It is not clean energy and is not a bridge fuel.
Several experts were invited to speak during joint meetings of the 3 Westchester County Board of Legislators committees (Energy and Regional Efficiencies, Environment and Health, and Legislation) discussing the legislative proposal:
Dr. Robert Howarth of Cornell University presented his well known research confirming that natural gas, which is methane, a greenhouse gas that is almost 100 X more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20 year period, has a greenhouse gas footprint across its life cycle that is the same as or worse than coal. Dr. Howarth warned of the critical importance of making a rapid transition from shale gas and other fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avoid further acceleration of climate change.
Dr. Jannette Barth, an economist, discussed the price volatility of natural gas and its limited long term supply which raises serious concerns regarding potential investment by landlords and residents into gas heating and hot water equipment in commercial and residential buildings chaining consumers to fossil fuels for decades to come.
Dr. Larysa Dyrszka presented the science regarding the health effects from the entire lifecycle of shale gas extraction, production, transportation and distribution. In fact, the Medical Society of the State of NY and the American Medical Association have acknowledged these negative health impacts from gas infrastructure and have called for comprehensive Health Impact Assessments.


June 20, 2016
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm