Registration is open for the Fall session of my popular seven-week online class on plastic pollution through Bennington College and I hope you will join me.  
Starting on September 6 through October 18, we’ll meet from 7:00-9:00 PM ET on Wednesday evenings to delve into almost every aspect of plastic pollution and what we can do to address it head on.
I really hope you’ll join me. You can learn more about the class and register here. If you’ve already taken the class, please share it with others.

Please note that this online class is open to all high school and college students who may want to arrange to take it for academic credit. It is also open to people of all ages who love to learn and don’t need/want school credit.
I think you would get a lot out of it and I love having different perspectives and viewpoints in the class. Below are comments from a few recent alumni:
“Your class was most inspiring, and I hope to take it again sometime. You took on a huge, messy, scary, appallingly dangerous and critical issue, and with calm clarity you found ways we students could work to address it.“
“I came to your course to learn more about how to prevent straws from getting in the sea turtles’ noses and prevent plastic pieces in sea animals’ and birds’ bellies. Oh, I have learned so much more! Especially about the economic injustice of production of plastics and then the seeming abandonment of responsibility for addressing the problem that has been created globally. I am so glad I decided to take your course!”

There will be seven consecutive classes held via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM ET beginning on September 6 and ending October 18, 2023.
If you do not need to receive academic credit, the fee to audit the class is just $100, if you do wish to receive official credit, the cost is $400. Please note that although this class is held via Zoom, it will not be recorded.
Even if you audit the class, there will be some homework assignments. I think you will find it enlightening, empowering, and fun.
If you’d like to join the class, you can register now here. I hope to see you in class in September.
Judith Enck
President, Beyond Plastics
Visiting Professor, Bennington College