Yad Vashem

Effacez le nom de mon grand-père à Yad Vashem, par Jean-Moïse Braitberg LE MONDE | 28.01.09 | 14h23  •  Mis à jour le 29.01.09 | 09h15 function expandBarrePartager() { if($(“#barrePartager”).css(“display”)==”none”) {...

Le Monde Diplomatique

The long march of folly that began in 1967 Gaza war changes Middle East equation at Israel’s expense The European Union’s policy of funding Gaza’s development is just one casualty of Israel’s unprecedented attack, which has weakened the Palestinian Authority but left...

Our man in Palestine

On August 31, the night before President Obama’s dinner inaugurating direct talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Hamas gunmen shot and killed four Jewish settlers in Hebron, the West Bank’s largest and most populous governorate. The...