Tent City Poem

By WESPAC Board member Geoff Smith:TENT CITYWelcomeTo our Tent CityWe need your helpMore than publicityYou’ve seen our villageOn your TVYou can do moreThan just look at me.You know my fateBut not my nameGot no solutionsGot no time for blamePlease turn your...

Important Ways to Help Storm Victims

  We will again announce an indoor Tag Sale but we will wait a few days to set a date when we know more about how much and when the present  conditions will improve. For that, we plan to have Holiday ( Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Christmas and other) items....

March on Blair Mountain

This week an important protest is taking place in the coalfields of West Virginia. The March on Blair Mountain began on Monday as several hundred people embarked on a five-day journey retracing the steps of over 10,000 miners who 90 years ago staged the largest armed...

Assault on Working People

INTERNATIONAL LIAISON COMMITTEE P.O. Box 40009, San Francisco, CA 94140 Tel. (415) 641-8616; fax: (415) 626-1217 email: ilcinfo@earthlink.net website: www.owcinfo.org PLEASE EXCUSE DUPLICATE POSTINGS ——————– "Obama's...