Compassionate Communication:
Nurturing Our Lives,
Relationships, and World
A workshop open to anyone seeking more deeply meaningful and peaceful relationships.
Saturday, May 10th, 9:30 -3 p.m.
Community Unitarian Church
468 Rosedale Avenue, White Plains, NY
Compassionate Communication, also known as Non-Violent
Communication or NVC, is a transformative practice that enriches our relationship with ourselves and others. This workshop will give an overview of NVC as well as opportunities to practice dealing with conflict more effectively and nurture our spirits more fully.
Presenter: Rev. LoraKim Joyner, D.V.M., is a Unitarian
Universalist minister now serving as a community minister in Multispecies Ministry and Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication).
Among her current positions, Rev. Joyner serves as Right
Relations Consultant for the UU Metro NY District, is a Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communications and works as an avian veterinarian in Latin American conservation.
Registration: Registration by May 5th is required. Fee is $15.00 to cover costs (includes lunch). Send checks, payable to Community Unitarian Church, to: Jane Dixon, Compassionate Communication Workshop, 468 Rosedale Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605. For more information contact Jane at: [email protected] or 914-949-5919.
[email protected]
White Plains, NY, USA