I am writing to let you know about a women’s rights action that is being organized for Saturday, Sept. 7. The action will be a rally and march in New Paltz at Peace Park, beginning at 1 p.m.

The action is being organized in response to a national call from WORD, Women Organized to Resist and Defend, to stop the right-wing attacks targeting women’s rights and the rights of all oppressed people. See http://www.defendwomensrights.org/news/call-to-action-nationwide.html. Our local call to action, signed by a group of local activists in the name of Mid-Hudson WORD, will be published by the Hudson Valley Activist Newsletter and elsewhere later this month.

The past few years have seen an unprecedented, state-by-state attack on our right to legal, safe abortion, a right that was won through the militant and determined struggle of the women’s movement, over 40 years ago. This attack on women’s reproductive rights comes in the context of continuing high levels of violence against women, as well as a wave of attacks against historical victories won in all people’s movements.

Nationally, WORD is calling for demonstrations in late August, in honor of Women’s Equality Day. We’ll hold our action in early September, when students are back on campuses.

In our work together in the past year, we’ve put together an impressive track record. Our rally and march for last year’s Women’s Equality Day drew more than 300 people and was one of the largest in the nation. (See  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfo6MZU7dB4 (Preview)  .) In March, our public forum in honor of International Women’s Day brought out 225 people, mostly students, in a snow storm. (See  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePfbAPFMQuA (Preview)  .)

We want to build on our track record and make women’s voices even more powerful in the Hudson Valley and nationwide.

Please endorse our Sept. 7 action for women’s rights. As in the past, endorsement carries no financial obligation. Endorsing organizations agree to have their names published on our fliers and in our press releases, to publicize the event to their members, and to encourage members and friends to attend.

I thank you for your past support and hope you will support our upcoming women’s rights rally and march.

In sisterhood,
