To Change Everything, We Need EveryoneCERLogo_FINAL-resized

This was the call to action for the historic People’s Climate March in September, 2014.  Over 400,000 people marched in NYC.  Imagine a moment of silence held by over 400,000 people–  a shared moment of solidarity, hope, and the knowledge that the time is now; we CAN change everything—keep fossil fuels in the ground, create a renewable energy future, ensure our most vulnerable are empowered, and transition to a green jobs economy.

The Time for Action is Now

To Reserve your Bus Ticket from the North White Plains Train Station, go to


Be a part of the historic March for a Clean Energy Revolution on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.  During the Convention, the Democratic party will solidify its political platform.  We’ll make sure they can’t miss the masses who are calling for a Clean Energy Revolution. Many of the Democratic leaders and delegates understand the necessity, but we need to create the political will that comes only from tens of thousands of engaged citizens demanding what is needed, what is right and just.

Who do you identify with?  Join a contingent!

Join Us on the Bus from North White Plains to Philly!


Whether you choose to join the Faith Contingent, another group, or just stay with your local community of travelers, please join us on the bus.   All peace-loving change-makers welcome!