The LHV Social Forum planning team is delighted to be working with the @boxcutter_collective to make large puppets for the social forum scheduled for Sunday, April 27th in White Plains!
Boxcutter Collective is a New York City based puppet troupe made up of 6 core
members: Sam Wilson, Jason Hicks, Tom Cunningham, Joseph Therrien, Ali Dineen, and
Darkin Brown. The founding members met while working at the Bread and Puppet
Theater. After creating shows together for many years they decided, in 2016, to formally
band together under the moniker “Boxcutter Collective” to harness the power of
puppet shows for the forces of good.
If you are planning on attending the social forum, you are welcome to participate in puppet making with us, and you are welcome to hold onto your puppet for your group’s purposes post forum – immigrant defense, housing justice, food sovereignty, solidarity economy, climate action, Trans rights, Palestinian freedom and more.  Here is the schedule:

March 22nd 2pm – 3:30pm: Zoom Session with the Box Cutter Collective to discuss what to build.

Saturday April 19th 3pm – 6pm: Puppet Building Workshop at WESPAC

Saturday April 26th 1pm – 8pm: Puppet Building Workshop and Potluck Dinner at WESPAC.

Sunday April 27th 12pm line up in contingents for the opening march of the 2025 LHV Social Forum!

You can register here to participate. If you have already registered and indicated you would like to participate in the puppet making, you do not need to register again!

Follow up information will be sent to all those who have indicated that they want to build puppets!

Please let us know if you have any questions at all. We are very much looking forward to building our movement for progressive social change!
