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The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network

 invites you to the first national


Forum on the Solidarity Economy:

Building Another World


March 19-22, 2009 * Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst


Co-convened with Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela) & RIPESS-NA (Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy – N. America)


An Historic Opening


The current economic crisis and the possible death throes of neoliberalism (corporate-led globalization), offers us an historic opening to advance a new framework for economic development. We have an opportunity to push for a fundamental transformation in our economic and social system, one that puts people and planet before private profits and power.


This four day conference will include an inspiring range of solidarity economy tours, workshops, plenaries and cultural events. We invite solidarity economy practitioners and resource organizations, social movement activists, workers, academics, students, researchers, cultural workers, journalists and other fellow travelers, to come and be part of the growing global movement to build the solidarity economy.


What is the solidarity economy?


The Solidarity Economy (SE) is an alternative framework for economic development that is grounded in principles of solidarity, equity in all dimensions, participatory democracy, sustainability and pluralism. The solidarity economy framework seeks transformation rather than band-aid solutions, yet rejects one-size-fits-all blueprints. It isn’t abstract theory nor pie-in-the-sky utopianism. Rather, it pulls together and builds upon the many elements of the solidarity economy that already exist. Some are new innovations, some are old. Other elements have yet to be realized or even imagined, and the journey of creation is ongoing.


Join us!

The registration and workshop proposals forms are attached. The time to advance real solutions, built on real experiences and successes is now. Another world is possible and necessary. Join the movement and together, we can build upon the foundation that already exists to make that ‘other world’ a reality!


More details, background, a draft schedule, and logistical information will be available on our website very shortly:

Or contact: Emily Kawano, Coordinator, U.S. Solidarity Economy Network, 413-545-0743, [email protected]