Dear Justice and Peace Community,

Please take the simple and powerful action of signing as letter to support working people in New York State.  With the NYS legislative season approaching and with wages and working conditions for home care workers under threat, NY Caring Majority will deliver our letters – thousands of them — to the offices of Governor Hochul, NYS Senate Majority leader Stewart-Cousins and Assembly leader Heastie on October 1 (Love An Elder Day in NY) in the Bronx, Yonkers, Albany and Buffalo.  Please click on this link to sign and send the letter:

Letter in Support of Fair Pay for Home Care Workers

At the link, after filling out the “letter from” form and clicking on “start writing” you will find this prepared text (see below). You can then just click and send, or you can revise (or add a personal care story) as you see fit.  It will go to all three NYS leaders and to Caring Majority organizers for the planned action.  Deadline is September 18 for letter to be used in the action*.  This action is about working people, racial and economic justice, and about our immigrant, elder and people with disabilities communities.


To the leaders of New York State,

New York’s population is aging and demand for home care is growing, yet we face the worst home care shortage in the nation. This shortage is caused by low pay. Home care workers earn barely above minimum wage and are struggling to survive with the rising cost of living. Further, older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers struggle to access the home care they and their loved ones need. Now is not the time to cut home care – New York elected leaders must invest in home care. Investing in home care is an investment in older adults, people with disabilities, home care workers,  family caregivers and ALL New Yorkers.  Click and Sign here:  Letter in Support of Fair Pay for Home Care Workers


*Mark your calendar for letter delivery actions on October 1st (Love An Elder Day in NY) in the Bronx, Yonkers, Albany and Buffalo. If you are interested in participating in these locations and/or do not live in these areas, please contact Myriam Hernandez at [email protected] for more information.