WESPAC is the very proud fiscal sponsor of Transforming Lives!  They are doing crucial work and having an impact:


Hello friends,

I want to introduce you to Matt Nadel – who created and masterminds TL’s Advocacy Video Program, where he and a team of young filmmakers create 8-10 minute films for incarcerated individuals applying sentence reduction and clemency.

Since he started the program a few months ago, Matt has already achieved three wins, most recently for a grandmother with autism who was catfished by a man in the Middle East. The gentleman asked her for money to move his family away from their war-torn region. She gave it to him and two years later was thrown into jail for aiding terrorism.

In the overcrowded and overwhelmed New York justice system, judges will do anything to close cases. If you can jam someone into the prevailing narrative, then you often win, lawyers have found – no matter how insane it sounds.
Here is a recent video Matt did for Knowledge Johnson at Green Haven Maximum Security Prison. At 67, he has been a faithful member of the Quaker community for over 30 years and clearly does not belong in prison. He’s served 41 years.
Video of Knowledge Johnson, Green Haven Correctional Facility, by Matt Nadel. 
You also might be interested in Matt’s film CANS Can’t Stand about the trans community in New Orleans who are being arrested — that is part of the New Yorker series.

Finally, Matt was given a $70,000 grant to make our Advocacy Videos and then was told – “oops, we made a mistake, we’re only giving you $35,000.”

It was a real blow to and so we’re looking for foundations – family and otherwise – that might be able to help. This is a big hunk of money. Please get in touch if you have any ideas.

                          PS We are always looking for a few dedicated mentors.