Scroll down below image for all details!

Dear Friends of WESPAC,

            On Sunday, June 5th at 2pm, WESPAC friends and members will be gathering in person at Wainwright House in Rye on the waterfront on the Long Island Sound in honor of WESPAC’s 48th Anniversary.  WESPAC will be honoring Rev. Dr. Edward O. Williamson with Bethel Baptist Church, Cynthia Kling with Transforming Lives, and Patrick Schelle with Alternatives to Incarceration Coalition .   Music will be provided by Les Harper.

             As part of the Awards Journal, we are offering an opportunity for individuals, organizations and companies to extend greetings to WESPAC and to our honorees.  Please find the details for reserving space in the Journal below, specifying various sizes and rates.  We encourage you to place your order very soon, particularly if you are interested in purchasing premium pages at the beginning or end of the Journal.  All Journal Ads must be received no later than by end of day on Friday, May 13th, 2022.

            Also, there are a limited number of tickets available, so if you plan to attend, please RSVP with payment soonest!

            With our deep appreciation for your support:

Premium Page (inside front or inside back cover):  $300.00  4 and ¼ by 7 and ½ inches    


Full Page:                                $200.00           4 and ¼ by 7 and ½ inches


Half Page:                               $100.00*         4 and ¼ by 3 and ¾ inches


Quarter Page:                          $ 50.00            2 by 3 1/4 inches high    OR

                                                                        4 1/4 inches wide by 1 3/4 inches high

Please submit camera ready copy or text electronically to .  Payments can also be made online here .

For a set-up fee of $25.00, WESPAC will design and format your ad or greeting.

* Half page ad is complimentary with a purchase of one full table at $1,000. 


SUBMIT TO:             WESPAC Foundation, Inc.

                                    77 Tarrytown Road, Suite 2W

                                    White Plains, NY 10607


Nada Khader

WESPAC Foundation Director

914 449-6514       
Facebook: Explore WESPAC
Twitter: @WESPAC_NY