Good morning, all!

Farzana would love to re-connect with WESPAC as she is now settling into her new home.  I have set up a one hour Zoom with her for next Wednesday, December at noon New York time.  You are all welcome to join me; I know Farzana would be very pleased to connect again.  Registration for the Zoom is required here

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Nada Khader <>
Date: Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 10:19 AM
Subject: Fantastic news about Farzana

Good morning, all!
Many of you will remember Farzana with whom we were able to set up a Zoom meeting with the WESPAC Community mid August. She is a young lady from the Ghazni Province in Afghanistan. 
We were very fortunate to have Nazish with us on that Zoom. Nazish lives in Westchester, having survived the Pakistani Taliban.  She stayed in very close contact with Farzana, guiding her through a complex escape process (Farzana walked alone 50 miles to get to the Pakistani border). Nazish connected her to resources, people and a French NGO. I am delighted to say that Farzana has just arrived safely in France. Thank you so much, Nazish!  We are so grateful for your guidance and support that will now allow Farzana to start a new life. 🙏🙏🙏❤️