Dear all,
I am delighted to invite you to the 2021 WESPAC Annual Meeting of Members!  
You must register here to receive the Zoom link.  We will be gathering virtually on Monday, November 15th at 7pm EDT to hear about current work and campaigns and then to visit breakout rooms where we can learn more from those who have shared reports.  Please see below for the list of names of who will be sharing updates with us.  Each person will have 3 minutes.  You will be able to interact in the breakout rooms and can visit more than one room:
Nick Mottern: Ban Killer Drones
Chloe Fernandez: Westchester Youth Alliance
Diane Torstrup: Decarcerate Hudson Valley and Clean Slate Campaign
Linda Conte: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Patrick Schelle: Alternatives to Incarceration
Delia Marx: Westchester Cooperatives Network
Julie Carran: Westchester Coalition for Police Reform
Jill Sternberg (invited): Restorative Justice Westchester
Howard Horowitz: Caring Majority Campaign
Harry Soloway: WESPAC Middle East Committee
Gayle Dunkelberger: Tabling for WESPAC at public events
Registration required here