We have been urged to undertake this advocacy activity regarding the right to counsel for low-income tenants in eviction proceedings. The following provides a brief explanation of why this issue is so important.
At this stage, the most important step that you can take is to either call or email George Latimer, County Executive and ask him to carry out the right to counsel cost/benefit study, funding for which has actually been included in the 2021 Westchester County Budget! Latimer’s number is 914-995-2900 and his email is [email protected]. Your message can simply be: I want the county to immediately carry out the right to counsel cost/benefit study for low-income tenants in eviction proceedings. Funding for this study is already included in the current Westchester County Budget.
If you feel more ambitious, you can contact your county legislator with the same message. This link below has information on how you can figure out who your county legislator is and how to contact that individual.  https://giswww.westchestergov.com/ElectedOfficials/index.html
This cost/benefit study will determine the actual cost of providing legal counsel in evictions involving low-income tenants, factoring in the significant offsets. A similar study recently done in Baltimore determined that such a program would actually save Baltimore money!
Please take action anytime during the week of August 16-20! Forward my email to as many people as possible! An outpouring of calls and emails should get the county to conduct the study for which there is funding in the current budget! 
Thank you!