Harry is a WESPAC member and the coordinator of the local chapter of JVP. Thank you, Congressmember Bowman, for your leadership on this. To date, Israel has vaccinated 33% of its population (over 3 million people) but has not provided vaccinations to the 5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Under international pressure, the Israeli authorities have agreed to release 5,000 doses of the vaccine to frontline Palestinian health workers only.
Such an expression of commitment from Congressmember Bowman to the inherent equality of Palestinians is unprecedented coming from a member of Congress representing our districts here in Westchester County. Thank you, Congressmember Bowman:
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Harry Soloway <[email protected]>Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 1:36 PM
Friends –
In a letter to the Israeli Consulate today, Jamaal Bowman took a strong and thoughtful stand on ensuring that Palestinians receive the Covid vaccine. You can read the letter here:
JVP Action is asking that as many constituents as possible either email Jamaal’s office or telephone directly at 202 225 2464 to thank the Congressman for taking a strong humanitarian position.
In your communication with Jamaal’s office, you may choose to include the following points:
- Identify yourself as a constituent. For Jewish members, identify as a Jewish constituent on the call
- Thanking him for making it clear that Israel has an obligation under international law to provide the vaccine to Palestinians and that this is a result of the horrible occupation that harms Palestinians daily
- Saying that we are grateful that he is going to hold the Israeli government accountable and we do not want our tax dollars going to fund Israeli apartheid
One final request, as much as it is possible, please let me know how many calls and/or emails are being made.