Hello all,
I have been receiving lots of alerts from Westchester County Department of Health, Westchester County Government, electeds, nonprofit leaders and more about resources available to our community at this very intense time.
I have pinned a post to the top of the WESPAC Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ WESPACFOUNDATION/ regarding resources that are currently available. I enter comments below the post as I receive more information about resources available. This post will be pinned to the top of the page for the foreseeable future, so that members of the public can find in one centralized location what resources are available at this time. Since it is a public page and public post, you are welcome to use the comment section to add additional information/resources as you become aware of them.
The good news is that China is reporting no new domestic cases of the virus and is sending doctors to Italy and Iran. There is light at the end of the tunnel,