Does this sound familiar? You’re in line at a coffee shop waiting for your order and the sever working behind the counter is coughing and wiping a runny nose and you think to yourself “Great, now I’m going to get sick, why doesn’t this person just stay home”. Well, it’s likely, because they are one of the 36% of Westchester workers that don’t have employer paid sick leave.
When so many workers in Westchester don’t have paid sick leave they: come to work sick, send their children to school sick, and ultimately increase the chances of getting us all sick. In 2018, we can change that by supporting a new law proposed by the Westchester County Legislators that provides Employee Earned Sick Time for workers. New York City has already passed such a law and has seen many benefits to workers, employers and the community.
You’re invited to take part in a People’s Town Hall to learn, discuss and comment on the benefits and challenges in passing: Employee Earned sick Time in Westchester NY.
Who: WESPAC & the Community/Labor Coalition for Employee Earned Sick Time
What: The People’s Town Hall – Subject Matter Experts, a Panel made up of Community, Labor, Education, Healthcare & Small Business, Elected Public Servants, & the Community.
Where: Yonkers Riverfront Library
When: Jan 16th Tuesday 2017, 5:30pm – 7:15pm
RSVP- Joe Mayhew cell 914-374-6848 email
Supporters for the Westchester County Employee Earned Sick Time Law
Congregation B’nai Yisrael, CWA Local 1103, Encephalitis Global, Inc, Ethical Culture Society of Westchester, Irvington Activists, Local 1 IUEC, Lower Hudson Valley Progressive Action Network, Mamaroneck High School Young Democrats, New York County Democratic Committee, New York State Nurses Assoc, Safe Energy Rights Group, Inc., Sustainable Port Chester Alliance, Transit Workers Union, WESPAC, Westchester for Change, Westchester National Organization for Women, Westchester/Putnam Central Labor Body, Westchester-Putnam Working Families Party