As the President heads to his fundraiser, the grassroots climate justice movement is uniting to greet him with a clear message: no Keystone XL Pipeline and no dirty energy pipelines in NYC! We want a clean energy future and that does not include tar sands or fracked natural gas, or deadly pipelines — in fact, the future of our city depends on it.

In October, NYC saw first hand the reality of climate change when Hurricane Sandy hit our homes and communities. Now it’s up to the President to take that seriously and stop fossil fuel projects that will only bring more destruction to places like New York.

Can you be there to send a message to President Obama? Click here to
Here are the details:
What: Unite Against Pipelines! Forward on Climate! March and Rally
WhenMonday, May 13, 5 PM
Where: Meet at Bryant Park at 5pm, start marching at 5:30pm, and rally in front of the Waldorf Astoria at 6:30pm.
We want to send a positive message to the president that clean energy is possible. Solar and wind are the future — not oil and gas. Wear yellow and orange to demonstrate your support for a clean energy future. 
We are partnering with 350 NYC, Brooklyn For Peace, Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline (CARP), Credo, CUNY Divest, NYU Divest, Fordham Divest, Barnard-Columbia Divest, Human Impacts Institute, Occupy the Pipeline, Sierra Club, Sane Energy Project, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Sierra Club National, United for Action, and many other groups and community members.