This weekend! Come one come all!!! For an hour, half of a day, a day, all weekend!!
Saturday, March 9:
12 Noon – Croton Harmon Train Station Upper Parking lot – Press Conference and Croton Mayor Leo Wiegman will welcome Jun San Yasuda and the Peace Walkers, and Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis, former Navy Navigators, who were part of Operation Tomodachi, the Fukushima Rescue mission on the USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier.
– Join the Peace Walk from Croton to the Gates of Indian Point at Bleakley and Broadway in Buchanan for a Vigil.
– Those who walk will have rides back to the Train station after the Vigil.
– Those who do not want to walk (or who cannot) are invited to meet at the Vigil, and if possible, offer rides to the Walkers after the Vigil.
3:15 Meet at Broadway and Bleakley in Buchanan to greet the Peace Walkers and offer Peace Cranes, and join in the vigil.
Sunday, March 10:
“Fukushima Fallout” – a very special program
2PM – Stony Point Center, Stony Point, NY (Rockland County) Special Program to:
– Remember the Ongoing Nuclear Disaster, which followed the Earthquake and Tsunami of 3/11/11, in Fukushima, Japan.
– Meet Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis, former Navy Navigators who are now experiencing the consequences of exposure to radiation during Operation Tomodachi, the Fukushima Rescue Mission.
Speakers will include Andrew Spano, former Westchester County Executive, and Kevin Kamps, Nuclear Waste expert from Beyond Nuclear, and Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis.
5PM – Pot Luck Supper to welcome the Peace Walkers, who will be arriving from Indian Point. All are invited to please bring a covered dish to share with as many folks as possible.
6:15 – Director Martin Lucas, a Professor at Hunter College, will present a film, “Cold Shut Down – One Year After”, followed by discussion. This film is about how people are living with Radiation in the area surrounding the destroyed reactors at Fukushima.
There will be Music throughout provided by David Bernz, Margo Shepart, and Roberto Muller.
These events are free and open to all.
Please register for this Sunday event at (so we will have some idea of how many chairs and tables to set up)