Register soon for the Left Forum to be held March 17th and 18th at the Pace University NYC Campus: . The WESPAC panel at the Left Forum has been accepted:
The Worker Cooperative Movement and Grassroots Approaches to Ending Poverty
Panel chaired and moderated by Nada Khader, WESPAC Director
Panelists will discuss the current worker-owned cooperative model and strategies for ending poverty, including embracing alternative economic models
Vanessa Bransburg
Vanessa Bransburg is the Cooperative Coordinator at the Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn: She works with immigrants and women in helping them establish cooperatively owned and managed businesses in the area of childcare, cleaning services and painting.
Jalal Sabur
Jalal Sabur is the founder of the Freedom Food Alliance, a network of urban and rural food justice activists. They use food as an organizing tool for environmental, food, prison and economic justice. He has recently moved to upstate New York to help start a farming cooperative as part of the Freedom Food Alliance. He works with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Southern Black Farmers in Vermont.
Community Voices Heard
CVH has agreed to participate on this panel. Speaker’s info will be submitted upon confirmation.
Alex Jackimovicz
Graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst having studied Social Thought Political Economy and with a Bachelor’s in Concepts of Identity in Social Theory. Licensed Master Electrician in Maine, and avid student of alternative economics and PROUT.