Dear Peace Activists,
Please help spread the word! The major national Antiwar Rallies in NYC at Union Square, on Saturday, April 9 and in San Francisco on Sunday, April 10 are just 2 weeks away. Momentum is building based on the urgency of responding to the new attacks in Libya, no end to the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, more attacks and threats to Gaza, ugly attacks on Muslims, new attacks on unions and collective bargaining and a new rounds of cutbacks of every possible social program, particularly hitting the Black and immigrant communities and the unemployed.
This week has seen student demonstrations all across the country against the devastating attacks on education. Students, teachers and parents are asking why is there always money for another war, for more Tomahawk cruise missiles, aircraft carriers, destroyers, nuclear submarines and F-16 bombers, while schools are closing, tuition increasing and faculty facing unprecedented layoffs.
In New York City we are hearing reports of buses coming from the up and down the East coast and the Mid-West as far as Minneapolis. Cars, vans and Peace Trains on all the commuter lines into NYC are scheduled.
We are hearing of lots of plans for contingents of organizations and activists. Plans include a Asia contingent, Palestine contingent, Brooklyn for Peace contingent, South Bronx community contingent, and Irish contingent, various student contingents, and large union delegations. Groups in New Jersey, in Jersey City and Newark and on Long Island are holding morning rallies and heading to Union Square in large delegations. (Please be sure to post your information by clicking here for the transportation form)
Because of the dangerous escalation of attacks on Muslims across the U.S., solidarity and unity of the antiwar movement with our Muslim sisters and brothers has become a major focus of these 2 major national rallies.
Last week a leader of United National Antiwar Committee and a leader of the Muslim Peace Coalition, USA spent 6 days meetings with leaders of the Muslim community in the New York City area. More than 75,000 leaflets were distributed at the mosques for Saturday, April 9th and the Muslim community in New York is organizing buses from the entire area.
The Muslim community is organizing for April 9th because they are for peace and they have seen the peace movement stand behind them and fight against Islamophobia.
Over 500 organizations have now endorsed the rallies on April 9th in New York City and April 10th in San Francisco including significant labor unions like 1199 SEIU East, which organizes health-care workers, Transport Workers Union, Local 100, which organizes NYC bus and subway workers, Teamsters, Local 808, which organizes workers on the commuter trains in New York. On the West Coast, the 25,000 member SEIU local 1021 has endorsed as has the International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 10 and others.
It is time that the antiwar movement was out in the streets in big numbers to stand with those calling to Bring the Troops Home Now, in support of those fighting Islamophobia, along side those fighting for democracy throughout the Arab World and with working people and unions fighting to preserve collective bargaining and for a decent life.
The web site ( now contains logistics information including NYC bus drop off and pick up areas. It lists hundreds of endorsing organizations. Please take a minute to check and be sure that you are listed. If your organization is not listed, please endorse by clicking here.
If your organization has already endorsed please immediately activate your lists to get solid head counts of who is coming. Plan to bring lots of signs and banners so that the media will see the wide range of areas, issues and organizations. Tell us your needs and plans. Email us at:
We also need lots of volunteers. Please volunteer for the day of the rally and/or before by clicking here.
Click here for the Facebook UNAC group.
Click here for the Facebook April 9th/10th event
Please donate by clicking here. We urgently need money for the rallies.
In NYC, on Saturday, April 9, Union Square at 14th St & Broadway is the site of the 12 noon opening rally, followed by a march down the packed shopping streets of Broadway to Foley Square. At Foley Square a second rally is planned with speakers and music, along with a Peace Fair of tables, booths and displays. Please bring tables and literature from your group.
In San Francisco on Sunday, April 10 the march and rally will begin at 12 noon at Delores Park at 18th St. and Mission St. followed by a 1:30 march through the streets of San Francisco’s historic Mission District and returning to Delores Park for a closing rally at 3 PM. (for San Francisco information, call 415-49-no-war).
Joe Lombardo and Marilyn Levin
UNAC co-coordinators