The Hudson Valley Seed Library strives to do two things:



  1. to create an accessible and affordable source of regionally-adapted seeds that is maintained by a community of caring farmers and gardeners; and,
  2. to create gift-quality seed packs featuring works designed by New York artists in order to celebrate the beauty of heirloom gardening.

Welcome to the Seed Library. We’re excited to be partnering with WESPAC.  We hope Green$eeds will help support the important work WESPAC is doing in our community.

Here’s the info you need to get started:

1.    WESPAC code is WESP for online sales.

2.    Start spreading the word. Green$eeds donates 25% of each online sale (seeds, memberships, gift, anything online) that WESPAC refers back to WESPAC. 

3.    Ways to spread the word: newsletter, emails, Facebook, twitter, posters, articles, blogs, advertising, word of mouth, printed materials you can hand out like bookmarks, cards, and fliers. Whatever you do to let folks know, make sure they know our website, your code, and that they need to enter your code when they check out. There will be a box that says Green$eeds where they enter their code.

4.    If you have the opportunity to take in-person orders for Art Packs, you can ask me for an order form. You collect orders and payments and mail the order forms and a money order to us by May 13th. We will donate 40% of all sales done this way back to you. If you would like sample Art Packs to show folks, we can sell you up to 32 packs (your choice) at 50% off. When you are done with the fundraiser the seeds are yours to keep- giveaway, raffle off, or plant them. It’s up to you!

Sow local, grow local!