This is a momentous moment for Egypt

and for the Middle East and for the World.



Come to the Vigil tomorrow to celebrate

the Egyptian people's victory and to 

support TRUE DEMOCRACY in Egypt.

   Support Egyptian Civil, Political and Human Rights
Egypt placards: A girl holds a poster during a demonstration in Cairo
Support Self-Determination for the People of Egypt,

Palestine and throughout the Middle East


*Come vigil for Freedom and Democracy in the Middle East.
*Let the Egyptian people know that you stand in solidarity with them.
*Let the people here know that you support the people of Egypt.

Women in Black Vigil

February 12, 2011

2:00 to 3:00 PM
Main St & Memorial Hwy
New Rochelle, 10801








Women in Black Westchester
Palestine Solidarity Vigil

Children playing in the rubble of their Gaza Strip homes.


Women in Black Vigil

February 12, 2011

2:00 to 3:00 PM
Main St & Memorial Hwy
New Rochelle, 10801
Click here: Map of Main St & Memorial Hwy New Rochelle, NY by MapQuest


Women and Men are Welcome


Gaza Information  



See this quick view of the truth through charts: 


Vigil Information     914 654 8990


The Women in Black Westchester vigil

is sponsored by CodePink Westchester & WESPAC