*Join Palestinians in Washington, DC on Thursday, Sept. 2 for a picket
outside the US State Department to say: Palestinian National Rights Are Not
For Sale!<http://palestineconference.org/wp/2010/08/31/thurs-sep-2-washington-dc-palestinians-say-no-to-negotiations-palestine-is-not-for-sale/>
As the direct negotiations begin at the US State Department, it is critical
that our voices are heard saying that the Authority does not speak for
Palestinians and that we will not allow Palestinian national rights –
particularly the right to return – to be bargained away.
Please join us at *9:00 AM – when the negotiations are scheduled to begin –
on Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010, outside the US State Department at 2201 C Street
NW, Washington, DC.* Please email nonegotiations@gmail.com with any
questions. We call on all Palestinians, Arabs and supporters in the D.C.
area to join us to make a visible presence against these direct
Click here to sign Arabic-language petition to the Authority
The press advisory is below:
August 31, 2010*
*Palestinians in the United States say that new negotiations between
Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas do not represent the will of the
Palestinian people: Palestine is not for Sale*
*Protest and Press Availability by Palestinians in the United States to say
“No” to Washington Negotiations
*Outside the US State Department, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC
9 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
*Speakers and contacts will be available in both English and Arabic
On Thursday, September 2, as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepare to meet in Washington,
DC for a round of direct negotiations, the Palestinian American community
says these negotiations are a sham, and undermine the collective will of
the the Palestinian people at home and exile. The US Palestinian Community
Network, a Palestinian community-based organization with members and
affiliates in over 20 states, says that these negotiations present a threat
to Palestinian rights, including the right of return, and that the
Palestinian Authority leadership does not represent the Palestinian people,
especially the seven million Palestinians living in exile and diaspora. As
Palestinians in the United States, we demand that the Obama administration
stop providing cover and aid to Israeli occupation and oppression. We will
gather outside the State Department to say that “Palestine is Not For Sale”,
present a petition to the Palestinian leadership demanding they end these
and declaring that Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority
representatives do not represent our community.
US Palestinian Community Network
**http://www.palestineconference.org/* <http://www.palestineconference.org/>
**conference@palestineconference.org* <conference@palestineconference.org>
*Register today for the 2nd Palestinian Popular Conference
October 29-31, 2010
Chicago, IL
**http://www.palestineconference.org/* <http://www.palestineconference.org/>