JULY 23-25, 2010 ALBANY , NEW YORK
Friday night, July 23 7:00 p.m.—10 p.m.
7:00 Call to order – Joe Lombardo, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
7:05 Welcoming Remarks – Mike Keenan, President, Troy Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Chair: Mary Nichols-Rhodes, Progressive Democrats of America
7:10 Overview of the conference – Jerry Gordon, Secretary, United National Antiwar
Conference (UNAC)
7:20 Questions about the overview
7:40 Panel discussion on “Strategies and Tactics in the Struggle to End the Empire’s Wars and Occupations.”
Medea Benjamin, CODE PINK
Michael Eisenscher, National Coordinator, U.S. Labor Against the War
Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report
Chris Gauvreau, Administrative Body, National Assembly to End U.S. Wars and
Theresa Gutierrez, International Action Center
Kathy Kelly, Creative Voices for Nonviolence
Nada Khader, Palestinian-American and Executive Director of the WESPAC
( Westchester Peace Action Coalition) Foundation
Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action
Michael McPhearson, United for Peace and Justice Co-Chair; Veterans for
Blanca Missé, Graduate Student, UC at Berkeley ; played leading role in March 4
student protests
David Swanson, (formerly
Deborah Sweet, National Director, World Can’t Wait
9:00 Presentation of Co-Sponsors’ Action Proposal – Mary Nichols-Rhodes
9:10 Presentations by attendees of proposals to amend the action proposal, additional
demands for mobilizations, resolutions
10:00 Adjourn
(Caucuses can meet at this time. See schedule at the conference.)
Saturday morning, July 24 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon
8:30 Call to order – Greg Coleridge, Director, Northeast Ohio American Friends
Service Committee; Coordinator, Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition
8:35 Welcoming Remarks – Maud Easter, Women Against War
8:40 Keynote addresses:
Noam Chomsky, internationally renowned political activist, author, and critic of U.S. foreign and domestic policies; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Emeritus of Linguistics
Donna Dewitt, President, South Carolina AFL- CIO; Co-Chair, South Carolina Progressive Network
9:15 Adoption of Rules and Procedures – Jerry Gordon
9:30 Election of presiding committee
9:45 Dedication of Kent State and Jackson State Memorial Antiwar Mural
10:00 Break
10:15 Workshops I
11:45 Break
12:00 Lunch; Speakers: How Political Prisoners and Victims of Preemptive Prosecution are Used to Justify War and Repression
Saturday afternoon, July 24 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
1:00 Call to Order. Co-Chairs: Michael McPhearson, Co-Chair, United for Peace and
Justice, formerly, Executive Director, Veterans for Peace; Jeff Mackler, National
Co-Coordinator, National Assembly to End U.S. Wars and Occupations
1:05 Plenary Session to discuss and debate Co-Sponsors’ action proposal, amendments,
additional demands, and resolutions. Vote on amendments.
4:15 Break
4:30 Workshops II
6:00 Dinner (on your own)
Saturday night, July 24 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Public Program with Speakers and Cultural Presentations (see program)
Sunday morning, July 25 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
8:30 Call to Order. Co-Chairs: Kathy Black, Co-Convenor, U.S. Labor Against the War;
President, Philadelphia Coalition of Labor Union Women; AFSCME District Council 47;
Jim Lafferty, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild, Los Angeles Chapter
8:35 Plenary Session. Final Discussion, Debate and Vote on Demands. Final vote on action
proposal, which then becomes the conference’s action program. Final discussion,
debate and vote on resolutions.
11:00 Decision on future of UNAC
11:15 Summary Remarks – Jerry Gordon
11:20 Break
11:30 Workshops III
Muslim Solidarity Committee & Project SALAM Cordially Invite You to:
Rally and March
In Support of
Muslims Targeted by
Preemptive Prosecution
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Meet at the east steps of the Capitol, Washington & State Streets at 1:00 PM
March to Masjid As-Salam, 278 Central Ave., Albany
The Muslim Solidarity Committee and Project SALAM (Support And Legal Advocacy for Muslims) invite you to join us for this rally and march remembering the sixth anniversary of the arrests of two Muslim men from the Albany community and all Muslims preemptively prosecuted by the US government. Speakers at the Mosque will discuss these cases and how they are used to generate fear of Islam in order to justify war and oppression. Information about these cases can be found at <> .
The Rally will begin at the closing of the National Peace Conference to be held in Albany, July 23-25. We hope that you will attend this important Peace Conference. For more information, see <> ..
Schedule of Events
• 1:00 P.M. Rally at the NYS Capitol, East Steps, corner of Washington Ave & State St.
Light refreshments (food & drink) will be available.
• 1:30 March to Masjid As-Salam, 278 Central Ave., Albany
• 2:00 Arrive at Masjid As-Salam • 2:00 Pizza lunch and speakers
For more information, contact Lynne Jackson at 518-434-6659 or
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