May 31, 2010

Gael Murphy: Washington DC, USA, +1 202-412-6700,
Felice: New York, USA, +1 917-912-2597,
Sandra Ruch: Toronto, Canada, +1 416-716-4010,
Ziyaad Lunat: Europe, +351 938349206,

Gaza Freedom March calls for governments, civil society action against Israel in wake of massacre of unarmed activists

May 31, 2010 — Calling the Israeli military’s killing of 16 international peace activists an unprovoked massacre, the Gaza Freedom March is calling on governments and civil societies around the world to both demand a full accounting and take action against what is now widely recognized to be an apartheid regime.

In the early morning hours (Israeli time) on May 31, Israeli commandos surrounded then forcibly boarded one of the eight “Freedom Flotilla” ships en route to the Gaza Strip with more than 800 peace activists and politicians and 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid. The attack on the Freedom Flotilla occurred in international waters, 75 miles off the coast of Israel

Live reports from the beleaguered ship indicated that despite Israeli claims to the contrary, the passengers were not armed when the military opened fire, killing 16 and wounding more than 50 others. All participants in the flotilla have been imprisoned in the Israeli city of Ashdod. 

The coalition is calling on governments everywhere to immediately recall their ambassadors to Israel; demand that the Israeli ambassadors in their countries  reveal the names, nationalities, whereabouts and condition of all flotilla participants, including those detained, injured and killed; and halt all arms sales or other military aid to Israel. The coalition is also calling for civil society everywhere to push for these actions  through demonstrations, calls and emails targeting the Israeli embassy in their countries or, if one is not present, the U.S. consulate (which provides the majority of Israel’s military support) or their own foreign ministry,

The Gaza Freedom March (GFM) was organized by the International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza after Israel’s 22-day assault on Gaza in the winter 2008-09. The diverse coalition organized the massive Gaza Freedom March ( in December of 2009, hoping to be with the people of Gaza on the one-year anniversary of the Israeli invasion. However, Egypt refused entry to the march and a week of protests in Cairo followed. Since then, the coalition – through the GFM — has continued to work for an end to the siege.


For up to date info on the flotilla and endorsers see the following web sites: