This is my recent piece
A point of great consequence is that, in the past 7 or 8 years, the right wing in Brazil has been merged with the “Latino-Zionist” current.  In other words, part of the right and the center-right in Brazil has developed a Neocon character and has been even acting directly as a US Neocon franchise.
One of the pillars of Neocons in Brazil is a major publishing company with a flagship magazine called Veja.
During the 1953 coup against Dr. Mohamad Mosaddeq, the American intelligence officer Vernon Walters was in Iran.  As the years went on, Walters of the CIA improved his skills in organizing coups against democratic governments.  On March 13, 1964, President João Goulart of Brazil, a great orator, gave a speech promising to nationalize the country’s oil refineries, as well as to carry out “basic reforms.”  Among the Brazilian intellectuals, Walters is known as the Kermit Roosevelt of the 1964 Coup that overthrew the democratically elected government of João Goulart.  Kermit Roosevelt, as you may recall, was the main engineer of the Coup AJAX against Dr. Mosaddeq.