I want to thank all those that attended our very first meeting on Saturday.
It was a fantastic first meeting. We had 12 people in attendance. Our first meeting was a productive and informative one. Everyone had some great topics of interest that was brought to the table.
Please join me in congratulatting our new coordinators of the WESPAC Yonkers Chapter:
Juanita Lewis, Mazin Abu-Ghazala and the Rev. Jesse Brown
Thank you all very much for volunteering to take this leadership role.
Some Items/Issues that were brought up for discussion during our meeting:
Please take a look at the list and reach out to the members on any of the items that you would like to work on. We can communicate by email or phone during the month.
1. Black box Voting
2. Stadium to be built on chicken island
3. Electorial Project/ Census work and the voting rights of inarcerated individuals
4. The need for Fund raising arm for the chaper
5. List of all non profits in Yonkers – Wale has volunteered to provide this list to the team.
6. Land Use – There is a Land Use clinic offered at Queens College – See Suzanne for more information
There is also a 3 Day Seminar for Land Training offered at Pace. – See Geoff for more information
We will hold our monthly meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 12 noon to 2pm at the Yonkers Riverfront Library.
Please let me know if I missed anyting. I want to again thank everyone for your participation and your dedication. Don’t forget to bring a friend with you next month. Thanks, Annia [email protected]
New WESPAC Yonkers Coordinators: Rev. Jesse Brown, Juanita Lewis and Mazin Abu-Ghazala.
Photo courtesy of Annia Jaffa.