Environmental Educator Internship
An Environmental Educator Internship is available starting January 1, 2009 and extending to December 31, 2009.
The Intern will train, educate and support volunteer teams participating in the award-winning Westchester County
Citizens’ Volunteer Monitoring Program (CVMP) sponsored by the Westchester County Department of Planning.
The CVMP trains and supports citizen volunteer teams in the collection of physical, chemical and biological water
information of local Westchester County streams. Each volunteer team is designated a monitoring site and
is responsible for collecting data on that site once a week. Volunteers upload all data collected into an online
The responsibilities of this internship position are:
1. Train volunteers as necessary;
2. Coordinate with the volunteers to schedule monitoring days, assist in problem solving and assist in
collection of field data and analysis;
3. Facilitate weekly uploading of data results;
4. Maintain and stock field equipment;
5. Attend monthly evaluation meetings with the CVMP Program Manager;
6. Analyze data to determine water quality trends;
7. Write data summary reports; and
8. Assist with stormwater and water quality outreach programs, such rain gardens and stormwater best
management practices at Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center.
The Intern will be working at Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center in Yorktown Heights, NY.
Successful applicants will have a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Education, Water
Resources Management
, Biology, Chemistry, Forestry, Geology, Botany or related field, excellent communication
skills, website knowledge, field experience, understand general chemistry principles and possess leadership and
motivational skills. The Intern will be required to work at least 25 hours/week during the fall/winter and 30
hours/week during the summer. The rate of pay is $19/hour.
Send resume and cover letter to:
Susan Darling, Associate Environmental Planner
Westchester County Department of Planning
148 Martine Avenue, Room 432
White Plains, NY 10601

Fax (914) 995-3780 or by email to: sad8@westchestergov.com
Westchester County is an equal opportunity employer.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.