A call for forming an open Activists Coordinating Committee at WESPAC
The country is now in an unprecedented environment for change and we believe it is the right time for WESPAC activists to get together, exchange ideas, support each other’s work and recruit new activists. What we are proposing is a return to what was a tradition for years within WESPAC; open monthly meetings of individual activists and representatives from the different committees of WESPAC. Long term WESPAC members will remember this as the Administrative Committee. It served a great purpose in helping individuals and the committees reach out to each other and the broader activist community, in creating a more cohesive, member driven organization, and in recruiting new members.
With a Democratic victory in the elections, it is more important than ever that progressive voices organize to be heard. We need to tap the unprecedented energy of the election campaign to achieve our peace and justice goals. There also has been talk of creating new committees at WESPAC around issues including economic justice and the environment. This type of monthly meeting will certainly help individual connect with other activists interested in doing similar work.
Please join us on Wednesday, December 17 at the WESPAC Pleasantville offices at 7 pm for the first meeting. Bring your ideas, your organizing campaigns, and your energy. We need to get to work!
Felice Gelman will host this evening at WESPAC.