At the confluence we will slow down, take the time to learn from each other, and prepare for the action that we all know we must take. The confluence is not the end-goal of our organizing, it is the beginning. It is calm before the storms. There are many things we will need to do for ourselves in the future. We need to work out what to do if a major storm hits the Northeast and causes flooding and displacement. We need to be able to feed ourselves as oil becomes scarce and gas prices rise. We need to do everything we can to reverse global warming. We need to link struggles, get off the grid, stop being dependent on systems that threaten our lives and hurt our communities, and create a world based on respect and justice.
There will be workshops, performances, trainings and strategy sessions about the issues affecting our communities and our planet from prisons and police brutality to food sovereignty, healthcare, and disaster relief. Together we will plan a day of direct action in coordination with similar gatherings around the world.
People of all ages and backgrounds will have something to offer to the confluence! Young people will play a particularly important role during the Youth Track, a set of workshops organized by and for youth to empower them to make positive change in their communities and the world. Childcare for younger children will also be provided and parents are encouraged to come. We would love to work with any youth groups that are involved with your organization and help get them involved in climate justice activism.
We’ll also have a lot of fun! Enjoy and share music, art, and good food while meeting people from all over the Northeast. Epworth is a beautiful outdoor space with lots of room for camping, and tents and gear will be available for those who don’t have them. There are wheelchair accessible indoor spaces and beds as well. Donations of any size encouraged to cover costs. No one turned away for lack of funds.
The more streams that flow together this Summer, the stronger our current of resistance will become! The confluence is nothing without you and your community. Now is the time to start organizing locally to organize for transportation, food, and logistics to bring together activists from all over the Northeast. Get in touch with the local contact in your area, or if there isn’t one, become one!
Groups in the New York Metro Area are beginning to organize for the Confluence. We are holding our third planning meeting at the end of June at the WESPAC space at 255 Martin Luther King Blvd in White Plains, New York. We would love anyone from your organization (or anyone else you know) that is interested in the confluence to come to the meeting on May 27th and get involved. If you cannot make the meeting, but still want to be involved please email me at
Below are 4 other easy ways to get involved:
1) Throw a fundraiser!
We are working to make sure that everyone can come to this event regardless of their background or how much money they have. This means we have to do a lot of fundraising! Have a benefit party, ask local businesses for donations and do a silent auction,
2) Offer a workshop or performance
Let us know what you’d like to do at the confluence. There will be lots of room for workshops and presentations on a wide variety of topics from basic skills like herbal medicine, to movement theory. Contact: to offer to facilitate a workshop, presentation, or strategy session, and contact: if you’re a musician or artist looking to perform.
3) Join a working group.
There are several working groups that are organizing various different logistical aspects of the gathering, and we need lots of help. Contact us to get involved in the Youth Track, Direct Action, Logistics (food, medical, etc), Site (construction, gear, building toilets, etc.), Communications (media, outreach, networking), Content (workshops, performances, etc.)
4) Tell everyone you know!
This is a completely grassroots gathering. There won’t be any ads for it on TV. So it’s up to all of us to get the word out. Forward this e-mail to people you think might be interested, but more importantly talk to people in person! Get off the internet and go visit some meetings of local groups in your area and talk to them about the Confluence. We can send you postcards and flyers to hand out, just get in touch!
Other New York Area Contacts are:
Hope to see you soon,
Jon Booth