WESPAC Foundation
77 Tarrytown Road, Suite 2W
White Plains, NY 10607
Tel: 914.449.6514 Email: wespacfoundation@gmail.com
How to get to WESPAC:
The WESPAC office is located at 77 Tarrytown Rd, Suite 2W in White Plains, NY 10607 also known as Route 119. Take the driveway all the way up to the upper level behind the building and walk into the building. We are across the hall from State Farm Insurance. There is plenty of free parking on site. If you are traveling on I-287 east bound, take exit 5. Our driveway is the very first as soon as you get off the exit ramp. It is a very quick turn and at night you need to be looking carefully. If you are traveling on I-287 west bound, also take exit 5. Turn left at the end of the ramp and then left again onto Route 119 or Tarrytown Road. We are a quarter mile on the right past Planned Parenthood. If you are coming from downtown White Plains, take Hamilton Avenue to Route 119 and then make a legal U turn at the Greenburgh Police Station to turn onto 77 Tarrytown Rd, White Plains, NY 10607. If you have any trouble at all finding us, please call the office at 914.449.6514. The office is a quarter mile from the Westchester County Center, diagonally across the street from Stickley’s Audi Furniture and close to the Bowling Place and Westchester Wine Warehouse/Smash Burger/Apple Farm etc.
We are located on the upper level of 77 Tarrytown Road also known as Route 119. Plenty of free parking on site. We are a half mile from the White Plains Train Station. From Exit 5 off I-287 East bound, we are the very first driveway on your right. Coming from downtown White Plains, you will need to make a legal U turn just past the Greenburgh Police Station and then turn right up our driveway at 77 Tarrytown Road.